Wairarapa Down syndrome community

WDSA supports, educates and advocates for people within the Down syndrome community in the greater Wellington Region.

We seek to empower and encourage individuals with Down syndrome for a lifetime of meaningful inclusion in the community.

What is the WDSA?

The Wellington Down Syndrome Association is a non-profit organisation that supports people with Down syndrome and their families within the greater Wellington region.

What do we do?

We support parents (particularly new parents) with community contact, welcome packs and linking to other helpful information and resources.

The WDSA run some fantastic events like the Frances Clarke community awards and the annual WDSA Christmas party. You can often find us running local age group catch ups to provide opportunities for people within the Down syndrome community to connect and build relationships.

We help to provide educational resources and support to parents and schools where appropriate.

We’re always advocating for the fantastic people in our community who have Down syndrome by sharing stories, events and other information.

Our Principles

We’re passionate and positive about people who have Down syndrome. People with Down syndrome are valued members of the Wellington community.

We are connected and seek to build relationships and share resources with other organisations.

The WDSA have a Memorandum of Understanding with the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association and seek to work together for the Down syndrome community within New Zealand.

WDSA membership will always be free.

Meet the Committee

  • Susan Webber, Coordinator

    My husband, James, and I have been helping out with the WDSA in a variety of ways over the last 12 years. We have two girls, Bella aged 14 and Emily (who has Down syndrome) aged 12.

    I am excited to be back on the Committee, working together to support our Down syndrome community in the Greater Wellington region.

    I am passionate about educating families, the education sector, health sector and the wider community about Down syndrome. I believe with knowledge, training and support we can all work together to make the world more inclusive.

  • Richard Whinam, Treasurer

    I recently joined the committee as Treasurer to take care of the financial side of the association. My granddaughter Heidi has Down syndrome and has been an inspiration to our family. My involvement has allowed me to appreciate all the hard work and effort committee members contribute to their roles.

  • Laura North, Secretary

    Hello (again). Some of you will remember I was previously the secretary for WDSA, after a year long hiatus I am back! Our family now resides in Palmerston North; however, I have a strong connection to the Wellington region and am excited to continue to grow those connections going forward. I would still love to see the WDSA have more connections with the adult Down Syndrome Community. I believe seeing those who have gone before you helps to visualise what you can achieve as a family and I would love to help provide support to whole community, not just the younger ones.

  • Deborah Jones, NZDSA Rep

    More information to come.

  • Ruth Coard, Internal Community Liaison

    I absolutely love our Down syndrome community. If I am completely honest, having Liam (5 years) in our life, saved mine! Of course I love all my three boys just the same but being part of the disabled community has opened up my world and changed the way I look at life in terms of what I value and what is important to me.

    I have so many ideas bubbling around in my head, I'm looking forward to sharing them with you.

  • Selena Hurndell Bulled, Comms

    I'm your newsletter coordinator and proudest mama bear to 6 year old Cooper (and Belle, 9). I joined the committee to help support and grow this community of bright and beautiful people in the coolest little capital. There are so many wonderful opportunities in Wellington and the Wairarapa for our community. I feel excited for what the future holds.

  • Vacant Roles

    External Community Development

    Help to build relationships with external community groups. This role provides a vital link between WDSA and the organisations that are key supports to our Down syndrome whānau.

    If this role sounds like you, please email Susan.

The WDSA Committee is made up entirely of volunteers.

We'd love to connect with members of the community who can spare a few hours to help here and there. If that sounds like you, sign up to our Friends of the Committee Facebook group.